Stainless steel slip hook
Stainless steel slip hook: used to lift or move loads or also to facilitate the movement of chains and/or ropes (slide and move cables, chains. etc…).
The advantage of using the stainless steel hook with the turned head is the possibility of quickly attaching it to the load, having a fast and safe attachment method, the disadvantage can instead be dictated by its only limit which is nothing more than a lifting height limit due to the type hook itself which falls within the category of open lifting hook, a type that does not allow a secure closure between suspended load, hook, and possible under-hook accessories.
The fastening between the load and the device takes place in any case by using steel ropes and cables, and under-hook accessories.
Under-hook accessories are all those accessories that are implemented between the hook and the load that is being lifted. These accessories can be used on all types of cranes, and all lifting devices, both professional application nautical and industrial.
High resistance stainless steel hooks
Handling hooks can have one or more pulleys to multiply the traction efforts.