Via Val Tesino, 26 +39 073590358

Since 3 generations at your service

Squaring of Nets

The squaring of nettings involves the cut of the patch following specific indications.

The final result, it’s a squared vertical panel, with the client defined height .

Obviously, during the realization we take into account the slacks, needed for the right construction of the cage.

The squared netting favors a better water recycle and so in turn, it favors a better oxygenation of the farmed fishes.

Increased oxygenation is a synonymous of better health for the fishes!


Seam of the Vertical Panel Map

After having cut the net to square it (determining its height), we move to the sewing of the patches, this process enables us to produce a panel of the exact length commissioned by the client.

Ropes Preparation

After having carried out an appropriate study of the cage’s dimensions to determine the right measures; the cordage which constitutes the structure, is prepared by restoring the points of junction and sewing, ensuring that all the measures are standardized.

All the farmers know the importance of the correspondence between the descendant vertical rope and the base points of the buoyant structure.


Seam of the Top Rope

As all the installed cordages on our cages, also the sewing of the ‘handrail’ line are stitched on the netting with double pass (utilizing our professional sewing machine).

Determination and marking where to perform seams

To punctually identify all the points where to perform the cordages double sewing, we proceed to the marking on the netting map.


Sewing of the Horizontal Ropes

Remarkable importance is covered also by the double sewing of the horizontal ropes of the structure. The correct stitching, arranging the right slacks, allows to relieve all the marine solicitations onto the cordage, therefore protecting the netting.

Sewing of the vertical ropes

The double stitching of the vertical ropes, (usually called ‘Discent Ropes’), completes the ropes structure created which is utilized as the main supporting structure. This construction, appropriately anchored, generates stability and firmness to the cage.


Seam of the bottom segments

After having produced the bottom segments in the right quantity and dimension, we’ll move to their sewing so to create a compact bottom. On this, we’ll then apply the cordage which connected to the vertical construction, will let the structure become a single united body.

The Tacking of the bottom

The bottom is basted by hand, this passage guarantees that the result is perfectly fitted for the vertical panel. Subsequently, the base is sewed with a professional machine which confers solidity to the conjunction. In the same point of junction at last it is applied a perimetral rope of the bottom.


The loop installation

The installation of the loop, in the quantity and position defined by the order is one of the final passages.

Specifically, in the floating line where, wave motions produce friction with the buoyant structure, we ensure some buttonholes, to guarantee their easy substitution.

The central bottom structure

Upon client request, at the center of the bottom we can install a stainless steel ring or a composition of a combination of cordages, to utilize for the cage recovery.



Tutti i produttori, hanno le proprie abitudini e le proprie esigenze. Ogni allevamento, in funzione del sito dove sorge ha necessità particolari. Il procedimento sopra illustrato è indicativo.  La nostra esperienza è a vostra disposizione. Ogni accessorio può essere integrato. Rete sacrificale della linea del Top, quella della linea del fondo. La rete per il recupero del pesce morto. L’istallazione di zip per rendere agevole l’accesso ai sub, o per separare la gabbi, così da renderla più semplice la sua movimentazione e la sua istallazione.

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